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  1. Added a failsafe feature (if the function that runs every second failed to reschedule due to an update, the pack will now reschedule it & start working properly again)
  2. Added a sound for Totems of Revival being consumed (it's the Totem of Regeneration sound from 'Minecraft: Dungeons')
  3. Added sounds for Allay & Vex conversions (Vex sounds (3) from 'Minecraft: Dungeons', Allay sounds (8) from 'Minecraft:Legends')
  4. Added Modrinth to pack download page links


  1. Updated to 1.21.4 ('Mob Tweaks' items obtained in v1.0 no longer work - to update the items hold them in either hand; Totems of Revival now always save the effects you had before activation)
  2. Changed the 'CHANGELOG' button in resources to 'CHANGELOGS' (you will now be able to select between the v1.0 and v1.0.1 changelogs)
  3. Updated structure & skylight detection (in theory, some mod/DP structures that replace vanilla Mineshafts/Mansions/Strongholds should support 'Mob Tweaks' spawning changes)
  4. Allay health detection is now more accurate (the particles will be displayed if the Health value is below the max_health attribute value; if the Health value is higher the particles won't display even if the Allay is healing)
  5. Totems of Revival no longer work in Creative


  1. Fixed Totems of Undying being consumed while holding the Totem of Revival in the offhand & being withered
  2. Fixed undead mobs in Trial Chambers being able to pick up items (this is actually a vanilla Minecraft bug)


by iNkoR_the_2nd on Jun 24, 2024


by iNkoR_the_2nd on Jun 24, 2024


  1. Allays now display Heart particles when healing (1 Heart particle every second);
  2. Breedable mobs now: get the Regeneration 5 effect for 3 seconds when they enter love mode; display Heart particles when they're in love mode/Smoke particles when they're unable to enter love mode (the particles appear every second & their amount/radius depend on the size of the mob; compatible with "More Mobs");
  3. Ravagers no longer take fall/drowning damage;
  4. Goats now drop Mutton (works the same as the Sheep loot table);
  5. 5% of adult Gold (Desert biome) Rabbits are now replaced with baby Camels;
  6. Added the ability to take Saddles off of Pigs/Striders (must be sneaking & holding nothing);
  7. Added Camel Milk Buckets (work the same as regular Milk Buckets except they also give you 30 seconds of Haste);
  8. Weaponsmiths/Armorers/Toolsmiths now sell Golden Swords/tools/armor instead of Iron ones & Iron Swords/tools/armor instead of Diamond ones;
  9. Creeper/Illusioner textures are now replaced with their 'Minecraft: Dungeons' counterparts (the 'Creebet' painting texture was adjusted to match the new Creeper texture; the Illusioner texture was adjusted slightly to make the model look better);
  10. Baby Hoglins/Zoglins/Zombies/Husks/Zombie Villagers/(Zombified) Piglins/Drowned now have 25% of their adult counterparts' health (Hoglins/Zoglins: 10; Piglins: 4; everyone else: 5 + their attack damage attribute is set to 1; baby Hoglins regain their full health when they grow up; baby Zombie Villagers regain their full health if cured; baby Mummies from the "More Mobs" data pack are affected as well & have their health reduced to 5);
  11. Axolotls now: have 20 health instead of 14 & 6 attack damage instead of 2 (attribute); get the Regeneration 3 effect instead of Regeneration 1 when they play dead; have an additional chance to get the Regeneration 3 effect when hurt (13.89% chance if their health is between 6 & 10/40% chance if their health is under 6);
  12. Rabbits turn into Killer Bunnies when struck by Lightning (if they survive the Lightning/don't take damage from it; 6 block radius);
  13. Baby Skeleton/Zombie Horses no longer grow up;
  14. Skeleton/Zombie Horses now burn in sunlight;
  15. Fletcher/Librarian/Farmer/Shepherd/Fisherman & Snowy/Desert/Swamp type Zombie Villagers no longer burn in sunlight (if they're wearing a Helmet it will still take durability damage & eventually break; pretty sure I can't fix this unfortunately).

​Moved from "More Mobs":

  1. Added the ability to drink Honey Bottles for Witches (it's used when the Witch is poisoned; if the Witch hasn't attempted to drink a Potion in one second it will take one second to drink a Honey Bottle & clear its Poison; as with other held items the Honey Bottles can be dropped by the Witch upon death);
  2. Patrol leader raiders now spawn with a 'Seek' Goat Horn equipped in their offhand;
  3. Added the 'Change of Heart' goal & the 'No Surrender, No Illsuions' & 'Zombie Bojack' challenges (turn a Vex into an Allay using Channeling; kill an Illusioner that's riding a Ravager; find a Zombie Horse);
  4. Illusioners now: have a chance to spawn on the top floor of Pillager Outposts (if they do they'll be persistent); drop Emeralds & Golden Carrots; can spawn in raids (at the start of each wave up to 3 non-patrol-leader Evokers/Vindicators/Ravagers (50% chance per each) might summon an Illusioner that will join the raid; if the Evoker/Vindicator that was selected is riding a Ravager that wasn't selected it will dismount the Ravager, and the Illusioner that it summons will mount the Ravager it was riding);
  5. Wither Skeletons now have a 13.89% chance to spawn with enchanted Swords;
  6. Added Totems of Revival (Piglin Brutes can drop 0-1 (or more with Looting); it works just like the Totem of Undying but triggers when the entity has the Wither effect (works in creative mode too); upon triggering the Totem clears Wither & gives 5 seconds of Regeneration & 10 seconds of Night Vision (unless the entity already has those effects));
  7. Zombie Horses will now spawn in some Plains/Savanna Zombie Village stables/animal pens instead of other animals;
  8. 37.5% of adult Zombified Piglins will now spawn with unenchanted Crossbows (6.94% of the Crossbows will be enchanted);
  9. Baby Zombified Piglins no longer spawn with Golden Swords;
  10. Adult Zombified Piglins now have a 40% chance to spawn with any piece of Gold armor (and a 13.89% chance of a piece becoming enchanted);
  11. Zombies are now replaced with Cave Spiders in Mineshafts/Zombie Villagers in Mansions;
  12. Skeletons are now replaced with Silverfish in Strongholds;
  13. Endermen are now replaced with Illusioners in Mansions;
  14. Vexes struck by lightning will now convert to Allays & vice versa (6 block radius; ~1 second (21 ticks) cooldown);
  15. Invulnerable Allays will now display particles;
  16. Strays no longer burn in sunlight.

Changed/Fixed from "More Mobs":

  1. Witches with no AI can no longer drink Honey;​
  2. Illusioners riding Ravagers no longer summon extra Illusioners in when they spawn;
  3. Creepers will no longer be replaced with Illusioners in Mansions;
  4. Illusioners now have a 13.89% chance of spawning with an enchanted Bow;
  5. Illusioners shouldn't be able to spawn as patrol leaders naturally anymore, so there's no detection for it (which means that Illsuioners can no longer be equipped with Goat Horns);
  6. Fixed Strays that spawned with a Helmet burning in sunlight after their Helmet broke;
  7. Fixed Zombified Piglins converted from Piglins equipping new items​.

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Published 8 months ago
Updated a month ago