PlayerEX: Directors Cut

PlayerEX: Directors Cut


PlayerEX is a Minecraft mod built using the Fabric ecosystem that adds RPG-themed attributes to the game and the player.

Client and server AdventureGame MechanicsMagic

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Fixes 🍋

  • Fix issue with critical hit chance not being calculated correctly

Fixes 🍋

  • All instances of BowItem, CrossbowItem or SwordItem have been considered as levelable weapons.
  • All instances of ArmorItem have been considered as level-able armor.

PlayerEX Is Now Officially Released :)

This slates the first official release of the new PlayerEX. It had been stable for a while, although the UI was not fully completed until now.

Additions 🍎

  • Finished the PlayerEX UI to the point where it is ready for release.
    • There is now a component set on the right of the UI that has a list of current pages. Use it in order to navigate between multiple mods who use the registry.
    • Completely fleshed out the UI with meters and other metrics such as current health and lung capacity along with experience levels to keep track of what you currently have, updated based on your current state.
  • Added Weapon & Armor Leveling (created by naomieow [much appreciated])
    • Items and weapons in loot tables can be generated with a level.
    • Added configuration related to armor and weapon leveling.
    • The range they can generate in is different based on dimension.
    • Non-Vanilla dimensions follow the overworld range.
    • Weapon XP increases by a value specified in the config when a mob is killed.
    • Thank you RedstoneWizard08 for contributing to this system!

Fixes 🌽

  • Resolved a mixin target for Forge users (on Sinytra) that caused items to break immediately.

Ensure you back up your playerex config before updating to this version and using it!

Additions 💖

  • Added a LifecycleConfig enum on the playerex config: ON_TICK | ON_EVERY_SECOND.
    • This has been applied to Health Regeneration, and you can adjust it in the config. Default is ON_EVERY_SECOND.

Changes 🌽

  • Rearranged the config in its entirety.
  • Everything is nested and opened by default.
  • Everything labeled in AdvancedSettings has been adjusted to reflect better in their respective components internally.

Changes 🌽

  • Resolved an issue with ON_TICK and renamed it to ON_EVERY_SECOND.
    • The counter to reset was not present, but this has been fixed now.

Changes 🌽

  • Made skill point increases separate to the actual attribute value.
    • As for increases to skills like Constitution that come from somewhere else, it will be tacked on the right in square brackets.

Changes 🌽

  • Removed an attribute function that was not meant to be present.

Changes 🌽

  • Fixed attributes that were NOT meant to be diminishing.
  • Fixed attributes which were not formatted to be percentages to actually display as them.
    • Melee Crit Damage
    • Health Regeneration

Changes 🌽

  • Patched to work with Data Attributes 2.X.X+1.20.1. Update to that for this to work.
  • Integrate back all of the attributes and their proper diminishing factor according to BalanceEX and some suggestions.

Changes 🌽

  • Added a missing translation key for itemBreakingEnabled

Changes 🌽

  • Added "Item Breaking" mechanic
  • Added config option for Item Breaking

Changes 🌽

  • Reconciled connector based issue where old player data did not transfer over to a new player.
  • Updated the modded datapack to apply some attributes properly to scale.

Changes 🌽

  • Fixed yet another potential NullPointerException when registering a modded menu.

Changes 🌽

  • Resolved issues with namespaces and a potential NullPointerException when registering a modded menu.

Additions 🍎

  • Added the ability to customize the color of the label (default is still gold).

Changes 🌽

  • The UI has gone through a breaking change. recent alpha builds of WizardEX will not work with this version, though alpha.3 will.
  • Switching to the beta channel as most components of the mod are stable.
    • Required changes before release is the UI and re-adjusting the config for the last time.
  • Rebalanced knockback resistance to a proper 1% gain and displayed it properly.
  • Added author & contributor information according to who assisted in the development of the project's codebase.
  • Fixed lifesteal attribute not applying to attacker(s).
  • Fixed refund issues on the screen.

Later Objectives ⚡

  • Fixing tooltips
  • Adjusting more attributes

Changes 🌽

  • Using the latest data-attributes with a supplied "stock" data-pack.
  • You can clear your config if you wish to use stock, or keep your config with all the entries.
  • Applied a patch for missing id's, which is an edge-case (will be labeled unresolved:id).

Changes 🌽

  • Update FLK
  • Fixed Fire Resistance not calculating correctly.

Changes 🌽

  • Uses the latest DataAttributes (beta.9) & OfflinePlayerCache.
    • The namespace of DataAttributes got changed on this update, breaking the ability to use the mod with the latest one. This has been addressed now.
  • This patches an issue when updating modifiers (for I forgot to update PlayerEX when changing namespaces.)

Changes 🌽

  • Fixed out-of-bounds exception when registering a menu.
  • Renamed rootComponent in MenuComponent -> screenRoot to refer to the actual screens root.
    • If you plan on using this component, know that you can access the functions/members you need directly from the object itself.