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  • Backport of features and fixes from 1.21.1-1.9.1
  • Armor piercing formula reworked to match armor piercing mechanics in 1.21
  • Fixed incorrect cartridge velocity (To 6F, from 5F)
  • Fixed incorrect default mob damage multiplier (To 0.8, from 1)
  • Fixed Gunslinger spawn counts near outposts and during raids (Equal to Evoker spawn counts)
  • Fixed an issue where Gunslingers could not spawn naturally with enchanted muskets
  • Fixed useful spyglass integration where musket use with precision was possible without needing to fully aim
  • Gunslingers should correctly use the aim time configuration value when attempting to fire upon targets
  • Dispensers emit musket smoke particles when firing cartridges
  • Bullets no longer ricochet off of iron golems
  • Repeating enchantment removed from possible raid weapon buffs, replaced with longshot
  • Gunslinger difficulty damage scaling uses values separate from vanilla - 0.5x on easy, 0.75x on normal, 1x on hard (From 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x)
  • Gunslinger sawn-off damage coefficient set to 60%
  • Default aim time reduced to 1.5s (from 3s)
  • Default reload time reduced to 1.5s (from 2s)
  • Added configuration setting for musket damage
  • Musket damage caused by mobs are configurable with a modifier
  • Increased base bullet velocity to 6.0 (from 3.6)
  • Bullets lose velocity and damage while in water
  • Musket aim and reload actions are interrupted when going underwater
  • Significantly reduced sound range for musket fire to 64 (from 128)
  • Added compatibility with Useful spyglass Precision enchantment
  • Cartridge recipe output increased to 8 (from 4)
  • Reverted Hex cartridge name change back to Enchanted cartridge
  • Enchanted cartridge reworked; Grants a 25% velocity increase and boosts musket enchantments
  • Added recipe for enchanted cartridges
  • Removed the Hex effect
  • Longshot and Repeating enchantment parameters can be changed with datapacks
  • Repeating enchantment reworked; Next reload after a kill grants an extra round in addition to the current bonus
  • Repeating enchantment mutually exclusive with longshot and firepower
  • Removed the Deadeye enchantment
  • Gunslinger spawns added to Pillager outposts
  • Updated to Fabric 0.102.1 for Minecraft 1.21
  • Fixed crash caused by duplicate mob effect registration
  • Gunslinger range properly set to 24, and follow range set to 32
  • Adjusted Gunslinger avoid and sawn off goal distance for more consistent close range behavior
  • Refactored Musket attack goal for use by other mods
  • Updated to Neoforge 21.1.12 for Minecraft 1.21-1.12.1
  • Fixed NoDefFoundError crash caused by SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent rename
  • Gunslinger range properly set to 24, and follow range set to 32
  • Refactored Musket attack goal for use by other mods
  • Cartridges can be fired from dispensers
  • Added attack indicator while aiming a musket to display shot accuracy
  • Fixed a Neoforge crash caused by incorrect mob effect registration
  • Adjusted Gunslinger spawn egg colors
  • Initial 1.21 port
  • Musket cartridges and the Firepower enchantment changed to use the same logic as the Mace's breaching enchantment
  • Cartridges reduce armor efficacy by 10% after the vanilla armor reduction logic is applied, instead of ignoring 50% of the target's armor before applying damage
  • Iron golems deflect bullets and receive 25% of the incoming damage
  • Enchanted cartridges reworked into Hex cartridges, which reduce the target's defensive enchantment efficacy by 50% and raises the level of an attacker's damage and armor piercing enchantments by two levels
  • Hex cartridges added to armorer villager trades
  • Hellfire cartridge damage increased to 20 (From 16)
  • Hellfire cartridge armor decrease effect duration increased to 30s (from 15s)
  • Hellfire cartridges removed from bastion stable loot tables
  • Increased the quantity of Hellfire cartridges found in chests and bartering
  • Reduced the number of Gunslingers that appear during raids
  • Gunslingers will no longer rush to pick up ominous banners during raids
  • Blast Enchantment removed as it lacked meaningful use
  • Configuration for Hellfire cartridge crafting removed as it is no longer necessary
  • Configuration for Gunslinger range removed for consistency reasons
  • Musketeer Pillagers renamed to Gunslinger
  • Added new Gunslinger texture
  • Gunslingers will retreat when approached and use a sawn-off to protect themselves at close range.
  • Added config option for Gunslinger attack range
  • Initial Fabric 1.20.1 port
  • Added the Blast enchantment, which shores up the musket's close range weaknesses
  • Overhauled the Deadeye enchantment (As it was uninteresting)
  • Longshot enchantment changed to provide a greater exponential damage increase
  • Copper rounds removed
  • Netherite rounds replaced with Hellfire rounds, which lower the target's armor
  • Iron rounds renamed/replaced with cartridges
  • Gold rounds replaced with enchanted cartridges, repurposed as consecration compatibility (possibly temporary)
  • Default reload time set to 40 ticks (was 50) and default aim time set to 60 ticks (was 50)

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago