Replace the LootContextAware system with Silicate.
Non creative players may now reach through predicated barriers that do not apply to them.
Renamed /assets/barricade/textures/item/barricade/entity/ directory to /assets/barricade/textures/item/barricade/icon/.
Removed barricade:blocked_entities component in favour of barricade:advanced_barriers component.
Added barricade:advanced_barrier dynamic/data pack registry. Which is now used to attach default directions, names, icons, and predicates to advanced barriers.
Changed the modified Advanced Barrier directional state to a block state.
Implemented a mod config to store visibility of certain operator blocks.
Added /barricade:client visibility [enable/disable] command, which sets the above config's values.
Added barricade:blocked_by_mob_barrier tag, which includes the other two more specific tags and is now used for the mob barrier instead of blocking all non players.
This means content such as Projectiles, and Armor Stands may pass through.
You will no longer see Barricade items in the creative mode tab when playing on a server without Barricade.
Fixed inGround projectile behavior with directional and predicated barriers.
Fixed culling with directional barrier and advanced barrier faces.
Fixed NeoForge seams fix hook not running on advanced barriers.
Fixed placement contexts being inconsistent with the barrier at hand.
Fixed barriers not turning invisible under certain circumstances when quick swapping items.
Fixed larger entities bugging on the corners of horizontal barriers.
Players riding mobs can no longer pass through player barriers.
Renamed the creative_only model loader type to operator.
Added a new directory for specifying which items will trigger a re-render of operator models. barricade/operator_items. required_item fields starting with # will instead denote these instead of tags in operator models.
Please note that the above values must be items for a block item that uses an operator model.
Removed culling from directional faces.
Allowed the mod's rendering code to work even without Barricade on the server.
Fixed operator models always being visible when Sodium is on the client.
Fixed incorrect visibility refreshing of the barricade:operator loader type.
[FABRIC] Fixed block display not rendering operator models.