


Tick different chunks/entities at different rates.

Client and server Game Mechanics

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TickRate is a mod that allows you to manipulate the tick rate of different entities and chunks by extending the functionality of the vanilla /tick command.

(Note: The video showcases the old command syntax)


  • /tick entity <entity> <rate|query|freeze|unfreeze|step|sprint>
  • /tick chunk <chunk> <rate|query|freeze|unfreeze|step|sprint>
  • /tick_indicator (Client-side command to show an overlay of entity/chunk TPS)
Detailed command syntax explanation

For TickRate v0.2.x+

<entity> simply follows vanilla's entity selector.

<chunk> has 3 forms:

  1. <x> <z> To specify one single chunk
  2. <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> To specify a rectangular area of chunks
  3. <x> <z> radius <radius> To specify a circular area of chunks, centered at <x> <z> where <radius> is the number of blocks

<x> <z> are X and Z block coordinates (NOT chunk coordinates).

For TickRate v0.1.x

  • /tick entity <rate|query|freeze|unfreeze|step|sprint> <entity> ...
  • /tick chunk <rate|query|freeze|unfreeze|step|sprint> <chunk> ...

<chunk> here is just XYZ block coordinates.

The first two commands accept arguments similar to the vanilla tick command. Entities with no specific tick rate will follow the tick rate of the chunk they are currently in. Chunks with no specific tick rate will follow the server's tick rate.

/tick rate will alter the overall tick rate of the server while /tick freeze|step|sprint will always temporarily override /tick chunk|entity.

Both server and client side

This mod is required server-side but optional client-side. However, it is strongly encouraged to install the mod on the client-side as well for the following benefits:

  • Smooth client animations for entities/chunks ticking below 20 TPS
  • The ability to manipulate the tick rate of players
  • Generally better and less buggy experience

API (v0.3.0+)

TickRate has an API for other mods to use, mainly to programmatically use the /tick command. Check it out here.

Other stuff

  • Check out some cool datapacks based on this mod.
  • Due to the pervasive use of mixins in this mod, it is likely that there are bugs and edge cases I have not considered. If you find any, you can report them on Github or here if you don't have a Github account.
  • Feel free to use this mod to create other cool datapacks/mods :)

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 months ago
Updated 20 days ago