Et Futurum Requiem

Et Futurum Requiem


Backport mod for 1.7.10, porting content from modern versions. Continuation of the old Et Futurum mod.

Client and server AdventureDecorationEquipmentFoodGame Mechanics MobsTransportationUtilityWorld Generation

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by Roadhog360 on Nov 4, 2024

#Et Futurum Requiem 2.6.2: Shut up, update checker!

This hotfix release aims to fix an issue with the update checker claiming an update was available even after updating. I've went ahead and made a long-overdue migration to using MCLib's UpdateCheck library which puts a small update button on the title screen instead of putting any message in chat.


  • Fixed walls not being in the right creative tab
  • CI nightlies are once again recognized as snapshots internally.
  • Fixes to the way version numbers are generated when building and how they're handled internally to hopefully make it less likely for update checker errors to happen again
  • Fixed manasteel shovels from Botania, and Earthmover shovels from Thaumcraft being able to create dirt paths, which interfered with their special functions


  • Removed color-coded mod version and name

Et Futurum Requiem 2.6.1: It's About Time

Major Changes:

  • Now requires UniMixins (GTNH Mixins module MUST be present)
  • Mixins have been moved to use the new early and late mixins system.
  • Internally updated recipes to check for GTNH



Misc Changes:

And of course, thanks to kotmatross28729 and omgise for consistent translation updates!

The following is from experimental content, only available in experiments.cfg. This content may be unfinished and/or broken.


  • Started work on bubble columns

Et Futurum Requiem 2.6.0: Support from the Depths

From this version forward, anything below the experiments tab in the changelog, will be available as a toggle in experiments.cfg, no longer needing a snapshot build. Some settings related to it may still be in the main configs (eg Nether biomes ID config in world.cfg) but the main toggles will be in experiments.cfg. More on this in the change log.


  • Mud and mud bricks (by @KAMKEEL) (generation by @Roadhog360)
  • Bamboo wood by (by @KAMKEEL) (bamboo stalks, model, rafts and generation by @Roadhog360)
    • Bamboo fences and fence gates don't have their custom model yet so for now they just use the regular bamboo plank texture
  • Cherry wood (base blocks by @kamkeel) (generation, leaves, pink petals, sapling etc by @Roadhog360)
  • Blackstone -Generates in patches, no new nether requires
  • Soul Soil -Can be crafted with dirt and soul sand when new Nether is disabled
  • Basalt
    • Basalt generators from modern work; when lava flows on top of soul soil and adjacent to blue ice it creates basalt.
    • If soul soil or blue ice are disabled, you can use soul sand or packed ice, respectively to create basalt.
  • Soul fire, soul lanterns, soul torches
  • Raw ore support for the following materials: oreCopper, oreAluminum, oreTin, oreSilver, oreLead, oreNickel, orePlatinum, oreMythril / oreMithril, oreUranium, oreThorium, oreTungsten, oreTitanium, oreZinc, oreMagnesium, oreBoron
    • Every material under this tag drops a singleton raw ore item for it, helping to unify ores in your pack. These items are also registered with the oreXXX tag as their base blocks, this behavior can be turned off in the config. As with copper, tin also drops multiple raw ore items when mined. This behavior can be turned off in the config, or adjusted. These are registered automatically depending on the tags present in your pack. The hardnesses and blast resistances are automatically determined by the first block in the "blockThing" tags.
    • These can be toggled individually via modcompat.cfg
  • Deepslate support for the following materials: oreCopper, oreAluminum, oreTin, oreSilver, oreLead, oreNickel, orePlatinum, oreMythril / oreMithril, oreUranium, oreThorium, oreTungsten, oreTitanium, oreZinc, oreMagnesium, oreBoron
    • Every material under this tag converts to a singleton deepslate ore block for it, helping to unify ores in your pack. It is recommended you do some texture editing to make them match. These are registered automatically depending on the tags present in your pack. The hardnesses and blast resistances are automatically determined by the first block in the "oreThing" tags.
    • These can be toggled individually via modcompat.cfg
  • Explicit deepslate support for: AE2, Draconium, Ars Magica 2, Thaumcraft, Biomes o'Plenty, Project Red, BluePower, Dragon Block C, Dragon Quest
    • Since they are gems or other non-metal materials, each one of these mods gets their own set of deepslate ores. They are registered automatically depending on the mods present in your pack.
  • Dark oak texture overrides to use 1.13 textures
  • New config option to not auto-add things to the composter, similar to how the blast furnace and smoker have this option, allowing packers to initialize it blank and start from scratch.
  • Thin glass panes and iron bars instead of + shaped when not connected mixin by @KAMKEEL


  • Shulkers spawn less frequently when enabled to spawn anywhere
  • Unfinished content is no longer tied to snapshots, instead being tied to experimental.cfg. This means you can download a snapshot and get new stable features without a warning. Only if you enable the unstable/unfinished stuff yourself will you get a warning.
  • Modded paintings now also play painting place/break SFX by @jss2a98aj
  • Modded boats now have OreDict tags by @jss2a98aj


  • Removed interpolated textures being built into the mod. See #467 for more information as to why.


  • Light block AI pathing fix (by @kamkeel)
  • Fix elytra sometimes not rendering in the inventory until it is displayed in 3rd person. (By iocmet)
  • Fix cave sounds not playing at all
  • Elytra flight can no longer proliferate with Thaumcraft haste boots enchantment
  • Fix a button mixin causing a crash with some mods ( #390 )
  • Fix spectator managing noClip/invisible state for non spectators, causing mods that trigger noClip to not work any more.
  • Fix spectator mode being able to interact with entities it shouldb'e be able to. There may be some stray interactions possible but for the most part they should be addressed.
  • Composters had 6 levels instead of 7
  • Fix armor equip sounds playing when leaving spectator
  • BOP sponge patches in coral reefs now generate as wet sponges if present ( #425 )
  • Fix BuildCraft causing Ocean Monuments to trigger RNG bugs with End pillars (wtf) ( #410 )
  • Lanterns can now be placed on slabs and stairs, or hang off of the bottom of fences ( 352 & #372 )
  • Torches can now be placed on EFR walls ( 323 )
  • Smooth sandstone and smooth quartz now drop from their old slab variants, as does smooth stone ( 428 )
  • Colored beds are no longer usable as furnace fuel
  • Recipes use an OreDict Item as Output directly, without copying it before #455
  • Fixed some types of flowers not spawning or spawning in the wrong conditions
  • Fixed deepslate ores trying to generate when disabled, causing seemingly random veins of blocks to appear around the world

##Experimental features:

  • Mangrove base blocks (by @KAMKEEL) (models and roots by @Roadhog360)
    • No tree growth or generation yet
  • Moss and azalea (by @KAMKEEL) (models by @Roadhog360)
    • No tree growth or generation yet
  • Nether biomes and blocks
    • No mobs or structures just yet, some blocks are still missing.

Notice: Interpolated texture support will no longer be built into Et Futurum Requiem as of this version. Visit #467 for more information about what that means. NotFine or Angelica will be required in the future to use this feature.

  • Removed interpolated texture icon support
  • Update boat textures to use the pre-JAPPA style (thanks DarkBum!)

Contributions by @KAMKEEL:

  • Added thin glass panes/bars (when not connected to anything, the pane/bar is a thin pole instead of a plus shape)
  • Fix moss having pathfinding issues and wrong material

This update adds config options to disable/enable only specific modded deepslate ores and fixes some crashes/recipe registry related issues with them.

"Mithril" tag in certain cases would not register recipes or would crash the game on load.

Colored beds no longer are usable as furnace fuel

Auto-add composter is now toggleable.

Fisk Heroes ores removed; this will be done from their end instead

From this version forward, anything labeled with (EXPERIMENT) will be available as a toggle in experiments.cfg, no longer needing a snapshot build. Some settings related to it may still be in the main configs (eg Nether biomes ID config in world.cfg) but the main toggles will be in experiments.cfg. More on this in the change log.


  • Mud and mud bricks (by @kamkeel) (generation by me)
  • Bamboo wood by (by @kamkeel) (bamboo stalks, model and generation by me)
    • Bamboo fences and fence gates don't have their custom model yet so for now they just use the regular bamboo plank texture
    • Bamboo rafts are disabled for now since they are not modeled.
  • Cherry wood (base blocks by @kamkeel) (generation, leaves, pink petals, sapling etc by me)
  • Blackstone -Generates in patches, no new nether requires
  • Soul Soil -Can be crafted with dirt and soul sand when new Nether is disabled
  • Basalt
    • Basalt generators from modern work; when lava flows on top of soul soil and adjacent to blue ice it creates basalt.
    • If soul soil or blue ice are disabled, you can use soul sand or packed ice, respectively to create basalt.
  • Soul fire, soul lanterns, soul torches
  • Raw ore support for the following materials: oreCopper, oreAluminum, oreTin, oreSilver, oreLead, oreNickel, orePlatinum, oreMythril / oreMithril, oreUranium, oreThorium, oreTungsten, oreTitanium, oreZinc, oreMagnesium, oreBoron
    • Every material under this tag drops a singleton raw ore item for it, helping to unify ores in your pack. These items are also registered with the oreXXX tag as their base blocks, this behavior can be turned off in the config. As with copper, tin also drops multiple raw ore items when mined. This behavior can be turned off in the config, or adjusted. These are registered automatically depending on the tags present in your pack. The hardnesses and blast resistances are automatically determined by the first block in the "blockThing" tags.
  • Deepslate support for the following materials: oreCopper, oreAluminum, oreTin, oreSilver, oreLead, oreNickel, orePlatinum, oreMythril / oreMithril, oreUranium, oreThorium, oreTungsten, oreTitanium, oreZinc, oreMagnesium, oreBoron
    • Every material under this tag converts to a singleton deepslate ore block for it, helping to unify ores in your pack. It is recommended you do some texture editing to make them match. These are registered automatically depending on the tags present in your pack. The hardnesses and blast resistances are automatically determined by the first block in the "oreThing" tags.
  • Explicit deepslate support for: AE2, Draconium, Ars Magica 2, Thaumcraft, Biomes o'Plenty, Project Red, BluePower, Fisk's Superheroes, Dragon Block C, Dragon Quest
    • Since they are gems or other non-metal materials, each one of these mods gets their own set of deepslate ores. They are registered automatically depending on the mods present in your pack.
  • Dark oak texture overrides to use 1.13 textures
  • (EXPERIMENT) Mangrove base blocks (by @kamkeel) (models and roots by me)
    • No tree growth or generation yet
  • (EXPERIMENT) Moss and azalea (by @kamkeel) (models by me)
    • No tree growth or generation yet
  • (EXPERIMENT) Nether biomes and blocks
    • No mobs or structures just yet, some blocks are still missing.


  • Shulkers spawn less frequently when enabled to spawn anywhere
  • Interpolated textures now check for the interpolate flag in a block's mcmeta animation data.
    • This feature will eventually be removed from EFR and moved to NotFine.
  • Unfinished content is no longer tied to snapshots, instead being tied to experimental.cfg. This means you can download a snapshot and get new stable features without a warning. Only if you enable the unstable/unfinished stuff yourself will you get a warning.


  • Light block AI pathing fix (by @kamkeel)
  • Fix elytra sometimes not rendering in the inventory until it is displayed in 3rd person. (By iocmet)
  • Fix cave sounds not playing at all
  • Elytra flight can no longer proliferate with Thaumcraft haste boots enchantment
  • Fix a button mixin causing a crash with some mods ( #390 )
  • Fix spectator managing noClip/invisible state for non spectators, causing mods that trigger noClip to not work any more.
  • Composters had 6 levels instead of 7
  • Fix armor equip sounds playing when leaving spectator
  • BOP sponge patches in coral reefs now generate as wet sponges if present ( #425 )
  • Fix BuildCraft causing Ocean Monuments to trigger RNG bugs with End pillars (wtf) ( #410 )
  • Lanterns can now be placed on slabs and stairs, or hang off of the bottom of fences ( 352 & #372 )
  • Torches can now be placed on EFR walls ( 323 )
  • Smooth sandstone and smooth quartz now drop from their old slab variants, as did smooth stone ( 428 )
  • Fixed composter bottoms rendering too low and clipping into the ground

# Et Futurum Requiem 2.5.1: Tiny Tweaks

Aaaaand welcome to the inevitable bugfix release shortly following a major Et Futurum Requiem version!


  • Added a config option in world.cfg to change the husk/stray spawn behavior back to the old behavior, where it'd be a part of the regular entity spawning table instead of replacing 80% of zombies or skeletons exposed to the sky.
  • This is a response to #332 where OptiFine breaks the sky-exposure spawning logic. Gotta love OptiFine breakages =.='
  • Added a config option to toggle honey blocks, honeycomb blocks, honeycombs and honey bottles separately from bees for pack authors who want to use them without backported bees.
  • If you disabled the bees and want the blocks and items to stay disabled you'll need to turn this off. Bee nests and beehives are still tied to bees being enabled.
  • Added the new sponge block sounds from 1.20.2, as well as the absorbing sound, removed the water particles and stone sound when absorbing water.


  • Oak Chest Boat recipe is no longer broken
  • Deepslate slabs now output 6 instead of 4
  • Smooth quartz slab now has a recipe
  • Copper block recipes are now consistent
  • Bees no longer throw a rare crash relating to their path finder
  • Spectating entities no longer the server

Et Futurum Requiem 2.5.0: Bugs and Blunders

  • MAJOR internal code rewrites. Far too many to list, but developers who actually care about this might prefer to look at GitHub commits anyways. 2.5.1 or 2.6.0 may get more rewrites additionally.
    • This should make development easier for me and hopefully future contributors.
  • The API package should be more complete. An API-only jar might come soon for ease of development.
  • InterModComms support is also planned to be added before release, for mod devs who don't want to add any build dependencies to use the Et Futurum Requiem API


  • Bees, hives, and honey!
    • Bee nests currently require a mixin to generate. If you need to turn this mixin off, for now the only other way to obtain bee nests is by planting an oak, birch, natura sakura, willow or maple trees, and having a flower within two blocks of the sapling on the same y level. This will give the tree a 5% chance to generate with a bee nest.
  • NEI support for the composter. (Thanks, @yoghurt4c)
  • Composters can interact with hoppers. (Thanks, @embeddedt)
  • 3D inventory model for beds. This can be turned off to restore the Bedrock Edition-style item sprites. (Thanks, TheMasterCaver)
  • New mixin for falling dust particles under falling blocks.
  • Falling concrete now interacts with water.
  • A few more blocks get EFR block sounds and some meta blocks like Tinker netherrack multibricks get them now too.
  • Light blocks for creative mode. These are invisible light sources that, like air, can be replaced. They can only be selected when holding one in your hand.
  • Spectators can now open ender chests
  • Configuration for lang key overrides, and if a feature related to an override is turned off, the corresponding override won't apply in-game. (eg turning off colored beds no longer will rename vanilla beds to "red bed")
    • Seeds is now called "Wheat Seeds" when lang overrides are enbaled.
  • Spectators can now spectate entities, and they'll show their crosshair when selecting entities or blocks they're allowed to open.
  • Added ladder trapdoors. If a trapdoor is clapped open against a block and there's a ladder below it (doesn't have to be facing the same way) then you can climb up the trapdoor as if it was a ladder.
  • Added piston functionality with slime and honey blocks, coutesy of Back in Slime, author DonBruce64. Thanks to Technoparadox for additional fixes and ironing out.
  • Hopefully fixed a very rare instance of the EFR deepslate generator causing a crash. If you replace your old Back in Slime pistons or slime blocks they'll automatically be changed to the new ones.
  • Added WAILA support for banners (Actually show what's on the banner and describe its patterns, no more always showing "White Banner")
  • Slime block volume is no longer tied to the hostile mob sound slider.
  • Beacons now use OreDictionary when detecting colored glass, allowing it to work with modded colored glass. When colored beacons are enabled new tags are added to TConstruct glass to properly detect them as colored since they're improperly tagged.
  • Added chains.
  • Changed new potions to use individual textures instead of a sheet.
  • Creepers that explode with a potion effect will now create a lingering potion cloud of the potion effects they had.


  • Removed some garbage from layer deepslate world gen code. This should speed up worldgen a little bit with layer deepslate enabled. It's still quite costly but should be less so now.
  • Observer notifications are disabled during world gen. This might break flying machine chunk loaders but also reduces world gen time by ~12% (Thanks, @makamys)
  • Fix beacons playing the deactivate sound when placed if tile replacement was used to swap them to Et Futurum Requiem beacons
  • Players not hearing their own hurt sound under some conditions (typically death)
  • Stray render their arms in the right place and the coat layer is properly shaded
  • Geode spawning check should now be more accurate
  • Husks and strays now use biome tags and only spawn replacing their respective mobs when exposed to the sky.
  • Inverted daylight sensors no longer have issues updating the redstone next to them when inverting.
  • Bounciness from beds/slime blocks can no longer be "stored"
  • Beacon ambience no longer crashes
  • Some mesa mineshaft crashing (maybe???)
  • Flowers now use the built-in biome decorators.
  • Rabbits getting a random fur color instead of a biome-specific one. (Works with most modded biomes, some incompatible biomes will default to getting a random coat)
  • Spectator mode no longer makes the first-person hand invisible when switching out of it
  • Spectator mode no longer plays a block breaking sound when attempting to hit blocks, and no blocks produce any particles.
  • Spectators can no longer trigger hand-item-related actions from blocks they can open (eg upgrading a shulker box, dying an Ender Storage chest)
  • Spectators no longer update chests, barrels, or shulker boxes and they are now opened silently with no animation.
  • Spectators show a crosshair when hovering over a block they're allowed to open.
  • Possibly improve the performance of barrier particles
  • Stone now crafts 6 stone stone slabs instead of 6 double stone slabs.
  • Fixed sounds not being downloaded in some cases.
  • Fixed composter NEI having weird issues displaying items that are OreDict wildcards (Thanks, @yoghurt4c)
  • Slime block volume is no longer tied to the hostile mob sound slider.
  • Beacons now use OreDictionary when detecting colored glass, allowing it to work with modded colored glass. When colored beacons are enabled new tags are added to TConstruct glass to properly detect them as colored since they're improperly tagged.
  • Fixed incompatibility with Headcrumbs.
  • Fixed being unable place torches, lanterns and probably other blocks on top of walls.

Other Changes:

  • The layers for the calcite and smooth basalt layers of amethyst geodes, and fossils are now fully configurable instead of only being able to select from certain blocks. If the block does not exist it will fallback to stone. Fossils may be changed to have quartz pillars as their fallback.
  • Cave sounds now use an internally generated sounds.json, instead of a sounds.json in the EFR jar.
  • The "Decoration Only" tooltip for some 1.14 blocks now is translatable.
  • Many textures and lang keys have been renamed, they all should now use modern naming conventions. If any texture does not have the same name as modern, that is a bug and should be reported. The only exception is barriers and light blocks, since blocks cannot use textures from the item atlas.
  • Change worldgen elements to mostly check the world provider instance.
  • Use slightly faster worldgen math
  • Default beds use the wood material and the wood sound change only applies to vanilla beds, and when dyed beds are enabled only.

Et Futurum Requiem 2.4.6: Throw Your Crash Away

This update exists to fix a single bug. In 2.4.5, I accidentally introduced a breaking change that crashed servers. That's it. If you don't have a server you do not need to download this update, it does nothing else.

Et Futurum Requiem 2.4.5: No More Ice Age

This update primarily is released to fix a freeze that occured within the Et Futurum custom enchanting table UI, where the game would often freeze. Whoops! Sorry about that!

  • Fixed a major freeze issue with backported enchanting table UI
  • Slight change to the way coarse dirt is checked for tilling into regular dirt with a hoe. This fixes "double-tilling" with some hoes, but other modded hoes may no longer be compatible. Sorry!
  • Change the way bounded block break particles work to look more like modern's
  • Fix some typos and bad wording in config comments
  • Fix observers not observing hoe tilling when new hoe sounds were on (hoe tilling sound has been moved to a mixin in mixins.cfg)
  • Fix stairs' bounded block breaking particles only generating a few particles in the lower corner of the block.
  • Fix boats not being placeable on ice and other possible cases (embeddedt)

Some Russian, Chinese and German updates from kotmatross28729, Omgise and DarkBum, respectively.

Et Futurum Requiem 2.4.4: Observe and Customize

With some delay, the next update is finally available!

The highlights of this update includes the observer and target ported by embeddedt, and partial CraftTweaker support!

Changes by Roadhog360:

  • Port all remaining sounds from ASMC (some are mixin-based now, check mixin.cfg for some of them)
    • Player damage (fire, berry bush and drowning)
    • Armor equipping
    • Wither skeleton, witch, squid, snow golem
    • Leashing entities with a lead
    • Placing and breaking paintings and item frames
    • Pressing buttons and stepping on pressure plates
    • Sounds for blocks that had no place sound like redstone, doors, beds, etc
    • Filling and emptying cauldrons
    • Filling and emptying buckets and bottles
    • Tilling farmland
    • Throwing eyes of ender
    • Enchanting
    • Fishing
    • Beacon ambience and powering
    • New note block notes
    • Lily pad place sounds
    • Horse eating
    • Cow milking
    • Combat
    • Bone mealing
    • Landing in water
  • Certain blocks (amethyst clusters, deepslate bricks/tiles) now have different step sounds depending on their meta values
  • Netherite durability is now configurable
  • Sound-related config options have been moved to sounds.cfg, be sure to check the values there, as they will not carry over from their former config placements.
  • The smithing table is now functional and is used to create Netherite equipment. Its recipes can be edited with CraftTweaker.
  • Add attackedAtYaw fix, which will make the camera tilt in the opposite direction of an oncoming attack
  • Block breaking particles now only appear within the block's hitbox
  • Added floor/ceiling buttons (Item frames are still only on walls for now)
  • Amethyst geodes have been adjusted to be like vanilla, instead of perfectly round.
  • New skin format is now off by default. It has some issues, and is not compatible with CraptiFine and I can't be assed to fix it, just use Ears if you run into issues with Et Futurum's skin backport. If you already turned it on though it won't be turned off so if you still use it don't worry (If you wanna help fix my skin backport though PR is always welcome)
  • Berry bushes now properly function as a plant internally
  • The composter is now functional and recipes can be added to it through CraftTweaker
  • Add Baubles Expanded mod compatibility for the elytra (jss2a98aj helped)
  • Fossils can now rotate, they internally use Structure NBT
  • Smoker, blast furnace, composting, enchanting fuels and brewing fuels can now be modified with CraftTweaker! Check the blocksitems.cfg file for more info on what you can do.
  • Made Elytra data watcher bit configurable and tweaked the code to fix part of a compatibility with ASJCore
  • Fixed server crash when using Thaumic Tinkerer's Dynamism Tablet
  • Fixed end rods disappearing when pushed by pistons
  • Fixed buttons having no hardness
  • Fixed loose trapdoors not rotating without first placing them on the side face of a block
  • Fixed smithing table and fletching table having the incorrect texture arrangement
  • Fixed Iron Shulker Boxes causing issues if they were turned on without Iron Chests being installed (they now properly turn off when Iron Chests is absent)
  • Fixed spectator mode checks running on fake players, causing stuff like player models on the title screen to crash
  • Fixed wooden buttons having the stone place sounds
  • Fixed snapshot warning and update checker fail log always appearing in the console regardless even when they shouldn't
  • Fixed potion cauldrons causing a server crash

Changes by makamys:

  • Fixed netherite boots having -3 protection by default
  • Fixed netherite chestplate and leggings having swapped protection values
  • Fixed doors not having Thaumcraft aspects (also added some other aspects)
  • Fixed LWJGL3ify compat

Changes by embeddedt:

  • Added target blocks
  • Added observers
  • Added some very incomplete sculk blocks under the testing program argument
  • Mixin fix for arrows falling off blocks when they're updated (This is for target blocks so the arrow doesn't immediately slide off of the target after hitting it)
  • Added experimental subtitles (default to off for now)

General contributions:

  • Russian and Chinese translation fixes and updates by kotmatross28729 and Omgise, respectively
  • DrParadox7 added a config option for door recipes to output 3 instead of 1
  • jss2a98aj fixed boats and beetroot soup having a minor dupe issue by erroneously specifying a container item

Hotfix release, to fix a couple issues:

  • Crash relating to tipped arrows
  • Spurious debug logs from dyed beds
  • Error from the version checker under certain conditions
  • Added config to disable the door crafting recipe change, to avoid balance issues with mods

NOTE: The 'nomixin' jar still requires a Mixin loader or another mod which embeds Mixin. This version is included in case any issues like incompatibilities arise from the embedded Mixin version, or perhaps you want to save a tiny bit of space in the size of your pack.

"Wait, where's 2.4.1?!" It was released on Discord and was going to be released elsewhere but some critical issues were found so I held off releasing it. To avoid development and bug report confusion I decided to bump the version number. The following changelog will count changes in between 2.4.2 and 2.4.0 since most people probably never saw 2.4.1.

Changes by Roadhog360:

  • Added an update checker! When the next version comes out you can be the first to know! Can be disabled in functions.cfg
  • Backported potion cauldrons from Bedrock editions as an alternative way to create tipped arrows. (Makamys created the code for grayscaling and "dyed" water)
  • Tipped arrows now use meta values and the same NBT structure as potions for custom arrows. For legacy purposes the old NBT format is still supported and will not be converted or removed. Old arrows will not stack with newly created arrows.
  • Add dyed beds. Sleep well with your favorite color of bed! "Red Bed" is just the default Minecraft bed renamed and is the default for red or mixed wool.
  • Added bouncy bed mixin. Works with most modded beds (Carpenter's Blocks bed confirmed not working unfortunately) to bounce to your heart's content! For continuity even though dyed beds being bouncy is not a mixin, disabling the mixin will also disable bouncy dyed beds.
  • Fix smooth basalt not disabling if you choose a different outer layer block for amethyst geodes.
  • Fix geodes being able to spawn in the middle of non-solid blocks.
  • Fix #177: Fixed raw copper not having an output if EFR copper is disabled. It takes the first entry for ingotCopper in the OreDict which is not ideal but better than nothing for people who attempt to avoid using recipe editors.
  • Fix Sweet Berries saturation value
  • Fix #160: Shift-clicking items from the hotbar into a brewing stand with an empty fuel meter and empty fuel slot deletes them
  • Fix #168: Added drops don't respect doMobLoot gamerule
  • Fix #170: End stone brick recipe wrong
  • Fix #181: Quartz Bricks Recipe Wrong

Changes by makamys:

  • Fix the Shulker box tile entity not being destroyed when broken, causing possibly dangerous interactions if another tile entity is placed in the same spot.
  • Add option to disable sponge and tall grass texture overrides (Uses a dynamic resource packs so regardless of what the option is set to, a resource pack can replace the textures out of the box without any edits)

Changes by embeddedt:

  • The Elytra code from Backlytra has been ported with permission from Unascribed. This means the Elytra now functions, although it's still got issues to work out and is not obtainable for now. The config option to enable it is now in mixins.cfg. Firework boosting has also been included, cape support and properly hide the player's current cape, and sounds.
  • Added new F3 logic (only show menu after F3 is released and not if another F3 hotkey is pressed)
  • Add basic implementation of /fill
  • Made Creative flight speed based on a mixin, should break less things, but might not be perfect.
  • Added comparator support for barrels.

... And a fellow contributor named Lariari kindly fixed an issue with glazed terracotta not having a hardness. Thanks!

NOTE: The 'nomixin' jar still requires a Mixin loader or another mod which embeds Mixin. This version is included in case any issues like incompatibilities arise from the embedded Mixin version, or perhaps you want to save a tiny bit of space in the size of your pack.

This update is long overdue and I apologize for that. It's mostly fixes with amethyst geodes. There have been some long-standing bugs from 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 as they've been a thorn in the sides of many for quite some time. If you disabled certain options due to these bugs, please consider re-enabling them.

Changes by me, Roadhog360

  • Fixed furnace crackle playing the sound in empty furnaces
  • Fixed mesa shafts crashing servers.
  • Fixed some ore generation issues that would cause stuff like diorite, granite, and andesite to not generate exposed to air
  • Fixed an issue with the mod's entity replacer which caused enabling new boats over old boats to completely break some worlds.
  • Fixed berry bushes not consuming bone meal
  • Fixed Blast Furnace and Smoker showing in NEI when they're disabled
  • Fixed Fly-sprinting simply not working
  • Fixed new anvils not being obtainable
  • Fixed new enchanting tables not being craftable
  • Fixed tile replacer not running replacement if there is no tile entity (like with anvils)
  • Fixed colorless Shulker boxes taking on the color of a Shulker box previously occupying that tile
  • Adjusted some config comments, and fixed config typos, and add description for new anvils
  • Added amethyst geodes and the relating blocks, calcite, smooth basalt, amethyst clusters (split into two IDs), budding amethyst and amethyst blocks.
  • Amethyst geodes currently generate in a circle. The vanilla 1.17 code is highly complex and I wasn't able to port it. The size of the circle still varies though.
  • Several workstation blocks from 1.14 have been added although they don't do anything yet. Their item description clarifies that they are currently non-functioning.
  • Frost walker no longer generates ice over entities
  • Added option to adjust new boat speed
  • New boats will now retain their name when being renamed. (Except the oak boat when replaceOldBoats is on due to the way it works)
  • Added an option to ban entities from sitting in boats, either using entity ID or finding a string in the classpath
  • Added the option to make all blacklists be treated as whitelists instead

And now some changes thanks to my new friend embeddedt!:

  • Potentially reduced cascading worldgen lag
  • Fixed the Blue/Red Power stone tile recipe conflict
  • Fixed tuff configuration being ignored and using the deepslate blob size instead
  • Fixed new boats being glitchy by making them a clientside controlled vehicle once more. (Thanks embeddedt!)
  • Added a VERY EXPERIMENTAL version of spectator mode!
  • Added experimental option to not drop items when closing your inventory
  • Added swift sneak
  • Added chest boats
  • Added tinted glass
  • New boats can break lily pads
  • Added a mixin to fix stepping from a lower block into a two block tall entrance (Thanks again embeddedt!!)
    • When the step fix is enabled, also allow stepping up to .6 blocks instead of .5

Fixed tuff configuration being ignored and using the deepslate blob size instead

Fixes new anvils not being obtainable

Fixes new enchanting tables not being craftable

Fixes tile replacer not running replacement if there is no tile entity

Add description for new anvils

Fix tile replacer causing a StackOverflow if blocks are updated before the chunk is finished loading fixes #138

Fixed boat chest textures

Fixed colorless Shulker boxes taking on the color of a Shulker box previously occupying that tile

Added an option to ban entities from sitting in boats, either using entity ID or finding a string in the classpath

Added the option to make the blacklists be treated as whitelists instead

Remove mixin for swift sneak, replace it with non mixin version instead

Further tweak the corner check for geodes to be less likely to generate somewhere bizarre, port those generation fixes to fossils too

embeddedt changes:

  • Added tinted glass

Roadhog360 changes:

  • Added option to adjust new boat speed
  • Boat chest drop the boat and chest separately.
  • New boats will now retain their name when being renamed. (Except the oak boat when replaceOldBoats is on)
  • Adjusted some config comments.
  • Moved the drop inventory setting.
  • Fixed amethyst clusters being pushable by pistons.
  • Disabled the composter for the time being.
  • Added config options to adjust what dimensions, the rarity and max Y geodes may generate at.
  • Fixed geodes not generating if 1.8 stones were turned off

embeddedt: (More like embeddedG) Potentially reduced cascading worldgen lag Fixed the Blue/Red Power stone tile recipe conflict

Added a VERY EXPERIMENTAL version of spectator mode! Added experimental option to not drop items when closing your inventory Added swift sneak Added chest boats

Beta fixes: Fixed a crash with CoFHCore Fixed a crash with the step fix

Roadhog360: Fixed amethyst cluster items having the wrong name When the step fix is enabled, also allow stepping up to .6 blocks instead of .5

Added option to turn off smooth basalt without turning off amethyst by replacing it with the Netherlicious version or using tuff instead.

Beta fixes: Removed debug code spamming console in amethyst geodes Amethyst no longer generates in the Nether and End

This update is long overdue and I apologize for that. It's mostly fixes with amethyst geodes.

Highlight fixes: (Please re-enable these options if you disabled them specifically for these issues):

Fixed furnace crackle playing the sound in empty furnaces

Fixed mesa shafts crashing servers.

Fix new boats being glitchy by making them a clientside controlled vehicle once more. (Thanks embeddedt!)

New boats can also break lily pads

Added a mixin to fix stepping from a lower block into a two block tall entrance (Thanks again embeddedt!!)

(No fix for stepping from lower blocks onto stairs/slabs yet)

Fixed some ore generation issues that would cause stuff like diorite, granite, and andesite to not generate exposed to air

Fixed an issue with the mod's entity replacer which caused enabling new boats over old boats to completely break some worlds.

Non-highlight fixes, and new features

Added amethyst geodes and the relating blocks, calcite, smooth basalt, amethyst clusters (split into two IDs), budding amethyst and amethyst blocks.

Amethyst geodes currently generate in a circle. The vanilla 1.17 code is highly complex and I wasn't able to port it. The size of the circle still varies though.

Several workstation blocks from 1.14 have been added although they don't do anything yet. Their item description clarifies that they are currently non-functioning.

Blast Furnace and Smoker no longer show in NEI when they're disabled

Mesa mineshafts no longer carve bubbles in blocks above them. (For regular mineshafts being fixed, see BugTorch)

Fixed berry bushes not consuming bone meal

Frost walker no longer generates ice over entities

Fly-sprinting actually works now


Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 4 months ago