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hotfix update for the desert ruins + translations

  • Removed 2 Rouge End Gateways hiding in the Desert Ruins Temple
  • Added Vietnamese Translation by Nguyên Dev https://www.facebook.com/NguyenDevs
  • Added Chinese Translation by Sasaki Akari(MCID:YanHuang_Sora), and co-translator MCID Diaorenmoshushi

Dungeons and Taverns v4.6.2

Last update for 1.21.4 from here on I will dedicate development to minecraft 1.21.5 so I don't get left in the dust with Mojang breaking the datapack and me needing to fix things.

  • Fixed ominous skeletons/stray/bogged sometimes not having a bow while ominous
  • Replaced spawners in the undead crypt with trial spawners
  • They don't drop any keys but ominous trail spawner may drop sometimes a level 30 enchanting book
  • Overhauled the desert ruins:
    • Houses now use more red sandstone, much like the main temples walls to differentiate them more from the vanilla desert village
    • Its archaeology system has been updated to now have a set amount of suspicious sand per house and temple:
      • Desert ruin houses have 13 suspicious sand max with the previous desert_ruin_ruins loot table
      • Desert ruin houses now have 1 suspicious sand with either the vanilla desert_pyramid loot table (for mod compatibility) or vanilla's desert_well loot table (also for mod compatibility)
      • Desert ruin houses also have 1 guaranteed suspicious sand block with outreach
      • The main desert temple has 900 suspicious sand blocks with the desert_ruin_inside_temple in its entire structure (thats 9% out of the 10000 sand blocks)
      • The main desert temple has 1 guaranteed suspicious sand with outreach
    • Fixed sometimes the loot tables giving you an enchanting book with no enchants.
    • Ruined the desert houses a bit and put a bit of sand outside around them for a more "buried" look

Tiding up bugs and tweaking the pack for Minecraft 1.21.4

  • Shrine towers on new chunks are now a fixed height and have always a vault on top with 1 map per player for a shrine. they require shrine keys
  • the map tells you what shrine tier it is
  • Illager manors are now smaller to fix a bug with curling into itself
  • Illager manors tower issue got fixed
  • Illager manors mobs have now an 33% chance of spawning instead of an 50% chance of spawning in the designated spawn locations
  • Updated the Lighting Rod Cage to have 3 Creeper instead
  • Removed the Function that made allays, that where holding echo shards turn into vex when hit by lighting (don't ask why it was in there in the first place) :relieved:
  • Fixed Witch Villas Horse Rooms skeleton horses not being tamed (you couldn't ride them)
  • Added vaults to the Lone Citadels Catacombs
  • Reduced prespawned mob amount in the Lone Citadels Catacombs and lone citadel in general (still ~200 mobs at once but it should help a bit with performance)
  • Fixed Lone End Ships Slopes vaults not dropping a broken elytra guaranteed (it had previously the chance to dispend enchanted books with wax wing or armour trims instead. this is no longer the case)
  • Updated key loot tables to work with 1.21.4
  • Added the Pale Residence Structure
    • new structure that spawns in the pale garden containing the Spite Enchantment previously unique to tier 6 shrines
  • Added Pale Tavern
  • Added Pale Firewatch Tower
  • Added Zombefied Villager + advancements for curing them to the:
    • Toxic Lair - sells Trishot, Blowthrough or Antidote if cured
    • Desert Ruins - sells outreach if cured
    • Jungle Ruins - sells Photosynthesis if cured
    • Lone Citadel - sells Might if cured
    • Illager Hideout - sells Illagers Bane if cured
    • to unlock each zillagers DnT trade, main DNT needs to be installed and you need to trade with them ONCE
  • Overhauled the Stray Fort
    • one of the oldest structures we added got an entire facelift of what it used to be previously while keeping what made it fun in the first place
    • also holds now a map to the Lone Citadel
  • Added Stray Outlook, this structure is what the Stray Fort was always supposed to be, adaptive walls with a few houses and some towers, smaller structure and more frequent, holds maps to the Stray Fort
  • Added Catacombs, Underground Structure only found in cold biomes in the deepslate layer
    • Catacomb rooms can also be found in the Lone Citadel and Stray Fort as part of the basements
  • Updated the Lone Citadels Miniboss Arena
  • Updated the Cave Spider Miniboss to now have a 25% chance to spawn minions when hit
  • Updated Shrine Towers to be sometimes spawning without a tip
  • Updated Illager Manor to now spawn not anymore at too high areas with an ridiculously huge foundation:
    • Consequence: it doesn't replace 50% of all woodland mansions anymore and became much rarer due to that. since it only will apply the 50% replacement chance if the woodland mansion/illager manor is low enough
  • Updated Shrines to not spawn too high anymore with its underground rooms poking out of the sea level
  • Updated Shrine Tier 6 to not spawn too high anymore with its underground rooms poking out of the sea level
  • Updated Creeping Crypt to not spawn too high anymore with its underground rooms poking out of the sea level
  • Removed Wither Coating being applied to wither skeletons universally. making them drop stone swords with withering on it
    • Instead only Wither Skeletons in the Nether Keep spawned by trial spawner will have those stone swords
  • Added support for voxel.hardel.io by Hardel:
  • French: https://voxel.hardel.io/fr-fr/tools/enchant
  • English: https://voxel.hardel.io/en-us/tools/enchant

Dungeons and taverns v4.5

  • Updated the pack to 1.21.2 by fixing what broke during the transition from 1.21.1
  • That means this is NOT compatible with 1.21.1 and no i wont do backports still.
  • Updated Wells to have sus gravel in them with Desert Well archeaology loot.
  • Added Bundle Tent Remnant from the 1.21.2 trailer. has a chest with a bundle :)
  • Added Tier 6 to Shrines
  • Updated Shrines wall design and replaced the anoying iron doors with copper doors.
  • Fixed bugs with enchantments due to 1.21.2
  • Gave all trial spawner the new config system. alows us to update them more easy. isnt different from what old worlds have so updating is save. just in the future when we update them that means it will be more easy for us to add new spawner or to change trial spawners configuration without player needing to reset chunks. yay.
  • Added Ukrainian Translation
  • Added Pale Oak blockset to Bunker Protected so it wont replace parts of the trees
  • Added Spitefull Enchantment:
    • Bellow 2.5 hearts players are given +2 (+2 per level) attack damage
    • If hit by a mob there is a 30% (+15% per level)chance to get Strengh 1 for 1-3 seconds
    • Items: Swords, Axes
    • Max level: 3
    • Found in: Shrines (Rare)

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Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago